First an update on the very disgruntled kitty. She gets her bandage off tomorrow (she can NOT wait!). In the meantime, she scuttles around looking at us askance, in fear that we will torture her again with the antibiotics she gets twice a day... She's acting pretty much better overall.
On the painting end, I think I have about one day's worth left to do, and then will begin the detailing and noodling with colored pencils (another day, at least). I then have another day of painting the decorative borders and to do the hand lettering. My goal is to be finished with this book by Friday - which will still be tight because I don't get much painting done on Tues and Wed teaching days. Good thoughts in my direction will be appreciated.
Glad kitty is feeling better and will have that pesky bandage off in no time.
Sounds like you're in the finishing touches stage of your project. How exciting. Wishing you well with it all!
Thanks anj! Pretty much finished up painting last night. Taught class today. Then on to the colored pencil-finishing touches! Go Friday!
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