It's been absolutely gorgeous this week. Sun and warming air. Since I'm leaving tomorrow until next week (and am not sure if I'll be able to access much internet time whilst gone), I thought I ought to document the bloomage before I go.

My double cherry tree, and speckled violets....

A number of arugula overwintered, and is now blooming profusely. Which is lovely - the leaves are now too hot to enjoy, but the flowers are nutty and sweet - just like the newest leaves tend to be.

Clusters of English daisies. Mounds of blue scilla. The blueberries, dwarf cherry, and plum are going strong.

My lilacs are just starting to emerge, as well as thousands of johny-jump-ups and forget-me-nots (and dandilions in the lawn...).
The rosemary and sweet cicily are full out. The thyme and chives are just on the verge (I'm trying to keep them trimmed - to put them off for awhile. They taste better longer that way...)

Have a good weekend everyone!
Your garden is looking full of colour, really pretty.
Bye Tara! Have a good weekend! Thanks for sharing the pics. It is almost too lovely out there, isn't it?
Have a lovley weekend too ... those pics of the garden look great - thanks for sharing! ;)
Enjoy your break Tara!The garden is looking lovely, much warmer than over here...
Lovely garden Tara :)
Have a fun weekend!! (will be looking forward to reading all about it when you are back!!)
Those photos are amazing! What quality!
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