
Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

Day of multiple desserts. I had butterscotch oatmeal cookies that I'd made this weekend leftover, so I needed to eat some when I was starving and waiting for lunch (which was sweetly cooked by my husband). He had made me a very dark chocolate ganache to dip fresh strawberries into for dessert, which was wonderful. Later, the kids and I went over to some friend's for M's fabulous, homemade cheesecake with fresh passionfruit squeezed on top - which has got to be one of my favorite things. Fresh passionfruit has an endorphin-like effect on me, I think (maybe hence the name?) - and makes me *very* happy! We stayed and played games until nearly bedtime.

We're supposed to be having record-breaking temperatures tomorrow. Will have to water heavily! And I really need to get motivated to work on my new project... argh....


Unknown said...

Mmmm... glad you had a dessert filled Mother's Day, Tara. I can't believe it's supposed to get to 87 degrees today-- what is up with that? Keep cool! And good luck with getting to work on your new project.

Gina said...

Happy Mothers day! Stay cool!