
Saturday, May 06, 2006

"Make Way for Ducklings"

Rebecca sent out a photo link showing the saga of a momma duck and her babies negotiating their way out of a construction site in a Seattle area park near the Seattle Art Museum (SAM). Apparently, the construction workers protected her nest until the eggs hatched. These pictures document the workers sheparding the family off the worksite, and down to the waterfront.

Isn't spring great?

I'd say a big *Yes!!* I finally got to spend some time out in my yard yesterday afternoon - and didn't come in until it was too dark to see what I was doing. It was an absolutely perfect gardening day. Sunny, just warm enough, and a light breeze filled with the scent of lilacs and cherry petals. I got all my new starts that were big enough into the ground (cherry, grape and roma tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, yellow and acorn squash, calendula, comfrey and dill...), did some more transplanting and rearranging of plants in the beds. I'm aiming for more vertical growth this year. I put up a bamboo teepee for the pole beans, and arch for the acorn squash. I have another arch to assemble which I'm going to attempt cucumbers on. I have bird-netting stapled to my fence for the peas and then later beans. And am arranging to have an arbor put in for kiwi vines and a framework for my grapes... My daughter asked what I will do if we ever move from this house? :-) Good question! I'm not sure I can bear to leave all of my 'babies' here... My pineapple quince, guoami, jostaberry and seaberry pair. My dwarf plum, fig and cherry. The herb beds and berry beds.

Luckily, it is supposed to rain for the next few days, so hopefully I can get some sketching done on the new project...


Anonymous said...

AWWWWWW! so cute!!!

Unknown said...

There was a time I was so obsessed by gardening that when evening fell, if I was still gardening, I would bring the living room floorlamp (on a looong extension cord)out into the garden so I could keep on going!