A friend from my critique group and I have been drawing/painting together once or twice a week for about 6 years now. Her place is amazingly artistic and absolutely idyllic. (It used to make me cry just driving up there, it is so beautiful).

She has fields with horses (and dogs and cats and chickens and birds and fish and lizards and rodents, etc...) (and is my garden's manure source), which makes all of her beds and gardens grow beautifully and effusively.

There are 'fountains' of roses. And the rhododendrons are at their peak right now.

Rhodys can get so tall here... 15, 20 feet or more.

There are also new baby chicks in the Bantam Surama (sp?) flock. They are the cutest, tiny chickens ever!

All four of the little hens sat on the eggs together, and now hover and cluck around the babies together.

The very handsome, bitty rooster was willing to stop and preen for the camera. Later, as I was walking around the yard taking pictures, which apparently made him very nervous - he kept rushing me and pecking my shoe.

He's so tiny that he can't really cause any damage - but he certainly acted protectively fierce! What a guy! :-)
Lovely photos. They make me blush woth shame at the state of my rhodos. They also remind me of how I used to have to ride the horse because I didn't dare walk past a particularly aggressive rooster on my uncle's place...
What a nice photo of the rooster! Hopefully it was worth the pecked shoe.;)
That will be a good one to add to your reference library.
The tall rhododendrons remind me of England. Lovely pictures.
It all looks so lovely - idillic (sp?)
Envyyy....can I join the painting sessions please? hehe..
Thank you for sharing...love the photos...especially the roses and the little chicks...tres cute!!
Tara, I have been so pre-occupied, I forgot to THANK YOU for the wonderful 'fairy package'!!! I love all the goodies, and the little books are so inspiring! You are wonderful and a true fairy friend! Best to you...
P.S. These photos look like great inspiration for new paintings=!
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