Gorgeous days - filled with humming bees and air fluff...

I've let a couple of the chives bloom this year - so that I can make this fabulous sesame-chive-blossom-asparagus dish that I love in the spring. (Don't you love the little beetles? I didn't even see them until I downloaded the pictures onto the computer screen).

So much is fruiting out - lots of blueberries, raspberries, and cherries. There's also plums, jostaberries, and goumi berries. Waiting to see about the new quince, highbush cranberry, grapes and seaberries. Am also putting in kiwis, a gooseberry, a magnolia vine, and a passionfruit vine for the deck...

Things are getting more consistently sunny, in that cool, springish, low-lying sun sort of way. Back lighting being one of the best side effects of said sun-light.

And of course, the herbs are growing-growing. The yarrow and lavender are blooming beautifully side-by-side - nearly ready to be cut. The mints and lemon balm are huge and ready for a late-spring harvest as well... Lovely gardening...
Isn't it gorgeous this time of year! It's so exciting to see the new blooms and bugs everywhere! We have baby wrens in a flower basket on the front porch, amazing. I love checking in to see what pretty pictures you have posted.
Such lovely colorful thought provoking photos.
Michelle - How fun to have babies right outside your door! Can you take pictures?
Thanks Gina.
What a lovely garden you have! It's so organised...and so much going on.
Lovely garden, lovley pictures too and scrummy looking food! MMMMM!
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