The most recent artists to be added to my agent's site are Tory and Norman Taber, (who happen to be my astonishingly talented sister and brother-in-law). They both graduated with degrees in illustration, and they design and paint children's books together, a la Leo and Diane Dillon.

Norman also teaches design at Plattsburg College in upstate NY. Their illustration reflects their wonderfully quirky sense of humor and their dynamic design sensibilities. Their children's book "Rufus at Work" is a delightful, ironic romp for cat lovers everywhere.
I'm trying to work on them to put together a full website so that more of their terrific images are available for view. :-) We'll see if they can fit that in between their very full and artistic life, two darling little fairy-princess girls, pets, gardens, teaching and travels!
Wow! These are really lovely. I especially like that crazy creature up the top. They are both really beautifully painted. Where can I see more of their work?
Rufus the cat looks good, I like to buy and collect children's books about cats, even though my children are now adults, just because I love cats. Actually I just love well illustrated children's books, they appeal to my inner child, who I like to let loose now and again.
Endicott Studios is my favourite website, and when it went down before it changed servers, I was desolate, thinking it had gone out of my life. Lot of the books Endicott recommend never seem to get published in England, and I have to order them from Amazon, which often takes a lot longer than Amazon says it will and is quite frustrating.
I once came across a series of radio programmes from the public broadcasting system in America, presented by one of Teri Windlings friends, where she talked between playing music, they were fascinating I meant to download some, but a few months ago I had a bad crash on my computer lost all my bookmarks and I have not come across them again yet.
"Rufus at Work" is an incredibly fun book. I love the illustrations (especially the chickens) and the story captures catness just so perfectly.
Thier last name was misspelled on the agents site.
So neat!
Lovely lovely watercolour...I'm going to have to check Amazon out, and the Endicott website Daisy Lupin mentioned.
Lovely illustrations hope they get more work on the web.
Thanks all. Yes, they do terrific work.
Marisa - if you click on their names, you will get their little portfolio page on the agent's site.
PG - if you haven't as yet discovered Endicott Studios, you are in for a treat!! It is a most amazing site/resource.
Both of these illustrations have just tickled me and kept me gazing.
Thank you for the tips on both artists. Will definitely check them out and bookmark....
Sooo beautiful !
What lovely stuff, especially like the expression on the girls face.
A big thank-you to everybody for your kind comments.
Tory Taber
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