It's a lovely, bright-blue, sunny day. The next round of sketches are off, so I took a small reprieve and visited the garden to see how things are faring now that it's officially fall.

The feverfew, daisies, yarrow, nasturtium, calendula, borage and black pansies are still blooming happily.

This is the time of year that the fuschia really gets going. The colors are so intense they nearly seem to glow. I'm going to have to dissect a blossom sometime to understand how they are put together - they are such a complex collection of petal material.

I had surprise, volunteer climbing nasturtium come up along the back fence, amongst the green beans, morning glory and climbing spinach.

And the roses are nearly as effusive as they were in mid-summer.

I picked lemon cucumber, crook-neck squash, green beans, acorn squash, roma and cherry tomatoes (and sadly, made my last cherry tomato tart of the season). I even still have blueberries on my late-producing blueberry bush! Blueberries in October. Wow...

I think early October has to be one of the best times of the year. Now on to the next book...
Lovely blue of the morning glory, (is it?) and the flowers and veg go well together. Afraid this post hasnt had the same effect as your last one, I am not about to dash off to the kitchen for a piece of pumpkin, like I did with the chocolate!
You've got lots of flowers. I've got hardly any for oct, however I must plant my spring bulbs soon.
Love the top photo (3 of them won't load unfortunately) and it reminds me that I *really* need a garden consult. You available?
Penny - tomatoes and squash don't quite do the same thing for me as dark chocolate either. :-)
Weird bunny - it's one of the things I love about the Pacific Northwest - it is so temperate, that many years I can have roses until Christmas.
Andrea - you'll find that next to art, gardening is a near-consuming passion. With not nearly enough people to talk to about it. Any time.
And - I don't know why blogger is such a pain when it comes to photos. I routinely have a hard time getting them to post. Maybe try later and see if you still can't see the other three? Anyone else have trouble viewing the pics?
And - I don't know why blogger is such a pain when it comes to photos. I routinely have a hard time getting them to post. Maybe try later and see if you still can't see the other three? Anyone else have trouble viewing the pics?
Such moving photos! I love the subtle strength of the blue ones, and the fainter purple one peeking from behind. The rose, is truly moving, it sheer perfection. All your photos are so wonderful.
I have added lots of links to our blog, and put yours there, hope that's ok.
LOVE love the last photo but the rose has to be my favorite I can smell it from here..ooops my nose just bumped the screen!!
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