A week ago, it looked like this outside my bedroom window.
However, the last couple of days have been absolutely glorious!! Sunny, bright blue and nearly 60 degrees out there. Buds and blooms are busting out all over. (One of my lilacs above).
One of the JOYS of springtime for me is seeing my 'sleeping' herbs emerging. The chives! The sweet cicely, the anise hyssop, the parsley, the fennel, the lemon balm, etc!!! Most exciting.

A few things are even blooming - the violets, the English Daisies, even a few violas.

Although I did make a quick trip to the very dangerous O'Malley & Potter's as part of my one-outing-this-week to run a few errands. I did NOT go for chocolate - I had a couple of other things I needed to pick up - but, how could I help myself? The Dagoba chocolates are supposedly gifts (for those of you who have not yet experienced chocolate with chili - it is divine). What I DID get for me is the UliMana Cacao Kava. This is not a treat, it is a *Dietary Supplement*. (Just read the label!) "It contains raw, organic cacao which is high in antioxidants (way more than prunes, blueberries, etc..) and magnesium and contains the molecule P.E.A., phenylethymine, also known as ‘the love molcule’. P.E.A. is not only a natural mood elevator, it also helps with focus." Hey - I can use all the focus I can get right now. Plus the kava kava is supposed to be very relaxing. And the cacao is supposed to help with digestion. And oh my goodness - is it yummy! You can add a teaspoon to hot (almond) milk or eat it straight out of the jar. :-)
So, me and my Dietary Supplement are off to meet the next deadline. I'm not sure when I'll be back to post again for a bit.
I hope it's springing where you are.
I was sent some of that chocolate in a swap. It was amazing, just the best.
It's so bizzare that even though our countries are so far apart, we seem to have the same season.
Yeah - I know Spring is in Air and you can smell the sunshine...lol...these days its so fun to go to work...and soak the sun while travelling....well come April and I might be complaining about Sun being too warm....however its perfect right now.
Good to see your buds blooming....look forward to more pics...and glories of backyard unveiled....!
Tkcare -
Ah don't you love that time of year when nature wakes up again?!
Thanks for dropping by my place. You might be interested to know that that picture was taken at Tara Hill. I was "tuning in" to the fertility stone and was playing, but the snap was taken! Thanks also for the good wishes regarding the move. I'm just back from Bath and yes, we did find the perfect house for us.
hasn't it been great? i told someone yesterday, "i can 't believe a week ago i was stuck in the snow!" my herbs are coming up too, and i am itching to get into the garden (it is a MESS!) but i too am working too much now! enjoy the sunshine!
Don't tell me it's still snowy over there.. Maybe I *should* fly over tonight in my sleigh with reindeer cuz my Honda doesn't have snow tires!
...you, my dear, are just plain e-v-i-l!!!
And mean:)))
I am so happy for you that spring has finally sprung on your side of the earth! Amazing that camelias are growing there too, even in Washington DC they survive only in protected spots (like around Capitol Hill *ggg*). I saw beautiful large ones at the Accademia grounds in Venice, and the largest ones ever, with blooms as big as saucers, in Savannah, Giorgia.
Have a great sunny weekend, Tara!
We have just had a couple of perfect spring like days, when I loitered in the garden checking what was going on, so many things have not stopped growing this winter. Unfortunately, we have gone back today to cold weather and steel grey skies!
You truly are the chocolate queen!
Its spring here too and It is amazing that it seems to be the same here as over there, thousands of miles away...
Enjoy your Cacao kava...sounds yummy
Stunning spring photos - really bring a smile to your face!
Mmmm, dietary supplement...
Your blooming things look beautiful. This new place we've moved into definitely needs some TLC when it comes to the (copious) front yard. I guess there's still time to plant summer flowers.
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