I don't go to the fannish place terribly often, but in this instance, I can't help myself! Charles de Lint is pretty much, hands down, my favorite author. Plus he's a Celtic/folk musician. And from all accounts, a very down-to-earth, nice kinda guy. And when I discovered that he is in town this week doing readings from his brand new book and headlining one of our local SciFi conventions, I pounced upon his appearance schedule. What a treat to find that he and his lovely wife and fellow musician, Mary Ann would be talking and playing (and for free!) at my local library. How could I not go?!?

He and his wife are as lovely and open as personable as reported. I forgot to bring my camera (can you imagine??!), so I had to settle for sketching them while they chatted and performed. 'Thought it somehow apropos to have him sign my sketchbook under my drawing of him as well - since he was *there*. In person. What a nice, creative, inspiring, musical man. (Can I gush some more???)
I am really happy to have gotten to do this in such a small, chatty venue. Mmmm. New book to read before bed tonight!
I don't know him nor his work (will check it out) but I'm glad you got to hear a favorite artist read his writing live! Pity you forgot your camera but your sketches MORE than made up for it! I really like them. Will you give me drawing lessons? :-)
Certanly a thrill I'm sure..I will be thrilled when one day my favorite illustrator *Tara signs my books ~the Fairy Chronicles!~ hugs NG
What a wonderful evening! He's my favorite writer, too.
Oh, the sketches are by far better than photographs...and with autographs, too. You clever girl! You would enjoy Charles Vess' art (he is at the sci/fi convention, too)
I met Mr. DeLint here in Halifax years ago and he was great, really generous with his time.Plus he emailed me back when I emailed him about my website.He must be a busy guy I really wasn't expecting a response.
Oh how wonderful for you. I like your sketches very much, and I bet they did too, what a clever thing to do!
Not aware of author on this side of world. However I loved your sketch and good to know that you enjoyed your evening. Even I love these small do's - meet the author or reading of poems/ couplets sessions....! So much fun and interactive.
Thanks for sharing ~
Tk care ~
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