My crazy work schedule is resuming. I hope to post some more from Breyerfest this week if I get this current cover done. (5 different cover sketches this week! I think that's personal record).
In the meantime, I wanted to say thanks for a couple of awards from the very kind Maddy and Vickie. I'm sorry I can't reciprocate at the moment and pass them on to so many other deserving folks. (My blueberries are needing picked as well!)
And for your other viewing pleasure, tor.com has just gone live. Amazing scifi/fantasy site - with articles, blogs, and galleries and it includes freebie wallpapers and fiction that are downloadable this week (see the great Kinuko Y. Craft cover above). Enjoy!
Good luck with your blueberries. We picked some last week-end.
Congratulations on your personal record, I am in awe of your creativity and output!
I was so lucky get wild blueberry souffle' at my brother's restaurant a couple of weeks ago. May your harvest be bountiful!
I was hiking this past week, and found several patches of wild strawberries. I had to think of you and your fairies and stages a little scene just for you. Wait and see! :-)
May this be a good work week for you!
Oh wow!
Is that you at your book signing with all your work behind you!?
You must be so chuffed!
Congratulations Tara :0)
p.s. - watyagonna do with the blueberries?
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