If you haven't already read
Neil Gaiman's Coraline, you really ought. (Make sure you find one with
Dave McKean's eerie cover art though! It makes it better. That is maybe a whole other
discussion however.) It's a whimsical, yet totally creepy success of a children's story. The reason that I bring this up now is that is currently being made into a 3D stop-motion
movie, scheduled to be
released February of 2009.
AND there are very cool, behind-the-scenes featurettes that can be seen
here. Take a gander.
Sounds very interesting!
As soon as I saw this book I knew I'd love it and as soon as I read it it became one of my favorite books. I think Henry Selick of James And The Giant Peach is directing. And thanks for the Serendipity link! What a great sight!
Thanks for sharing this. I'm definitely going to get my hands on this book before the movie comes out in February. Looks like it will be a great read!
Ooh, looks good. Thanks for the suggestion. I love the cover art of this book!
Yes, I'm going to get this too. It sounds great!
Yes I loved this book... scary!
Excited to see the animation.
I wonder if you've seen Dave McKean's Mirrormask film?
It is wonderfully creepy. I loved it. But I think it would have given me nightmares if I'd read it as a child. I was already obsessed with the idea of doors into "somewhere else," and the other place Coraline visits would have been entirely too realistic for my febrile leetle brain, I suspect.
You are so right, I have read and simply love love "Coraline"!
I met Neil Gaiman at a Library of Congress Bookfair in Washington DC. He was extremely kind, especially with his younger fans, who stood patiently in line to have their books signed by him. He just as patiently signed and signed and signed.
Loved this book!
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