Each year, we seem to have an excess of something which becomes thematic for the weekend.

This year, it was the resident chipmunks. Or in this case, more accurately, the somewhat elusive golden mantled ground squirrels.

They've been a bit indulged with their very own fancy hidey-hole in the cabin steps, which they utilize thoroughly.

Their favorite thing is peanuts - and they will absolutely stuff their cheeks full. But they will settle for salad ingredients.

It was absolutely gorgeous all weekend, so we ate many afternoon meals outdoors. The ground squirrels kept us company. Up to four or more at a time.

Arrghhh..how cute are they?!! I'm surprised they are slim, considering their inflated diet!
Absolutely adorable! We have a chipmunk village behind our outbuilding...this morning one of our cats was pacing back & forth along the kitchen window sill as the chipmunk sat on the other side calling to it's friends that the bird feeders were freshly supplied!
Thanks for sharing such neat photos~
Cheeky little fellows, in more ways than one!
how cute! and that first pic, almost died laughing!
OMG! You completely live in a world of Beatrix Potter! Lovely!
The last picture cracks me up :D
cute little things :) That first pic would make a lovely little painting. We had a bunch of chipmunks do the same thing when we went camping when I was younger. We could never leave anything on the picnic tables without the chipmunks coming over to see if it was edible :p
Koldo turned me on to your site and I totally want to put a little hidey hole like that in my steps some day...how cute and innovative! Last one cracked me up too :D
I love the Sculpy and Squirrel! Had some cheeky Carolina Greys in London and here, of course, it's possums who occupy the "cheeky" niche.
What a refreshing weekend.
I love the Sculpy and Squirrel! Had some cheeky Carolina Greys in London and here, of course, it's possums who occupy the "cheeky" niche.
What a refreshing weekend.
I love, love your imaginations! That hidey-hole is beyond cute. I had to show it to my hubby who just loved it, too.
The fairy house in the previous post is simply enchanting as well. If I ever came across one in the woods I would be delighted beyond words.
Chipmunks/ground squirrels = serious kawaii.
They are also braver and fiercer than their reputations would suggest.
Oh my soul, this would drive Edward completely nuts. No pun intended.
I thought she was stabbing him with the fork for a moment!
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