Here's a couple of weeks' worth of church sketching. Those above are about 5 minute head studies.
These were today, ranging from 3-10 minutes, depending on the person. There must be a better way to do this, besides precariously balancing a tiny 4x6 sketchbook on one knee and trying to look
unobtrusive. I'm about finished with this sketchbook and then plan on switching to a bright shiny new
moleskine (maybe that will be better? It's not really any larger, but any larger won't fit in my purse so well, and draw too much attention...)
Another page out of the sketchbook - this time of my brother, lecturing his college class. He paced constantly, so even though it was over a longer period of time, it was only in snatches that I could attempt a similar pose to the one I started with. Again, I am somewhat hampered by the tiny size of my paper surface and how awkward drawing near the edges gets...
Tell about your favorite 'mobile' sketchbooks! What works for you? Especially in small scale.
I always find that's a problem, but using a larger size sketch pad is so 'obvious' ...
Love your sketches though - especially the ones at the top of your post - the one of the woman wearing glasses in the middle of the second row seems to capture such a great expression ...
I haven't tried moleskin sketchbooks so I'm missing out. I generally use the size you do. I haven't tried sketching in church but I do sketch at meetings at work. It is an awkward size. At meetings since people are free to watch what I'm doing, I generally doodle or sketch outlines but I think I'll start sketching them. Since it will be more about features and shapes maybe they won't recognize themselves!
Loved the church sketches - but am utterly besotted with the CHICKENS.
Real chickens in real dirt.
How I envy you!
First, congratulations on your egg !!! The girls certainly look beautiful and happy. It is hard to draw unobstrusivley, you seem to be doing quite well though. I have a small moleskin I carry in my purse, but , yes prefer my 8X10 (approx). Once I went to an opera rehearsal and could happily sketch in my big book in the dark.
I vote that you preserve the pearl egg somehow. Great post on the sketch book. You get much further than I do. My Sunday SB is filled with the back of people's heads. My best sketches have been in the dr's office. I slip my SB between the pages of a Martha Stewart magazine and sketch away. No one knows they are being my model.
As someone who can't draw a lick, I must say I am supremely impressed with anyone's ability to do so. Your Sunday sketches, to my eye, reflect genuine, living people. You done good.
I tend to "sketch" with words, so just about any paper surface will do!
Geeez! I always wondered why you never posted in your blog and now I've just discovered that my RSS feed was subscribed to something else. I feel stupid but happy :)
Wow, these are great! It is so hard to draw from life. Just when you are gettng somewhere, people move. Gggrrrr.... : (
Anyway, I love my moleskine...might be a better choice for you than a spiral bound book.
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