series that I have been working on this year (along with my friend
Jo) will be released any minute now. We got to peruse advanced copies a couple of weeks ago at the
Inside Story event, and they are beautifully printed. With sparkly covers.

Speaking of covers, it is always interesting to see how they shift from their original form to their printed version. Sometimes it is subtle, like in this example.

Sometimes less subtle. (I am not a big fan of turquoise and bright greens. Ah well...) You can see large versions of the final covers on the
macmillon site (where magically, they are listed as 'bestsellers' - which is a trick given that they haven't actually been officially released yet).
And on another note entirely: the
Urban Sketchers blog has now gone live. It is a wonderfully artsy example of sketchbook goodness.
Hee. Apparently the title of Macmillan "bestseller" is, like Disney "Classic," awarded instantaneously.
I think you've done very well, considering the ultra-sparkly mega-girliness of these titles.
Eeew, what have they done to your gorgeous colours in that last one!!? Can't hide good draughtsmanship though, even under sparkley bits! ;)
In my first book, the blues and greens were transformed into a psychedelic quagmire. Yours have faired better than mine did.
I really should convert all my illustrations to CMYK before sending them off. It's just the case of getting the time to do it.
I like your original colors. I'm sure though they thought they were to soft to catch the eye. What a pity that they don't realize just because it's bright and shiny that's not what catches the eye. It's the quality of the workmanship! It's all there.
Whoa, they really did change your colors. I guess they know what they are doing.....but I like the originals better, of course, I'm not exactly their target consumer........
Your work is so consistantly strong. AND I prefer the original colors over the finished covers. Oh well, what can you do? How large are the originals, Tara?
Keep sharing.
Quite dazzling! I'll nip along and check out Urban Sketchers.
Best wishes
tara, these are beautiful!! you must be so excited and so proud all at the same time. my daughter loves horses. congratulations!
Congratulations!! I would be soooo excited. I'll bet it is a little disappointing to have them changed though.
While I love green, that is a lot of green lol It is neat to see the printed image. Lets people see how different covers can look from the original art. Thanks for sharing :)
(Like your moodier colours best)
If I was a little girl, I'd go looking for a "real" cover, with horses of appropriate colour. I wonder who decrees that little girls WILL like sparkles?
But I'm just a picky old woman.
Oh, I love these. Thanks so much for showing the "before" and "after"...it can be disappointing at times and jarring to see what happens when art leaves our hands and is run through a press. However, I think thse look equally great either way. Congrats.
OH my gosh, those are so gorgeous. You sure do work hard and your work is always so beautiful. Congrats!
Wonderful to see your work, thanks for showing us!
I much prefer your more subtle colours.
your illustrations are fabulous and I hope the sale go well!
I much prefer the original colours, but hey-ho - they do say the client is always right (at least let them believe that ;-) )
It must be great to see these in print after all the hard work - well done.
Love the covers! Wonderful compositions!
All you hard work was so very worth it, your originals are beautiful, i love the colour & composition. congratulations * ruthie*
Your original colors are lovely!
You have my sympathy on the color changes. That happened recently to me as well.
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