I think I may never draw adults at church again. Not when there are such cute little bodies playing in the pew next to us, or looking back at us from a few rows up ahead...
I want to get better at remembering the micro-poses they assume (since they don't stay still for more than 2 seconds at a time). James Gurney (who still has the best art blog on the planet - even when he's out of the country, like now) had a thoroughly thought-provoking post on what he calls 'The Flash-Glance Method' - where you look at your subject and then quickly close your eyes. The last pose they were in should 'hover' on the insides of your eyelids for a couple of seconds. Hopefully long enough to get some more short-term memory sketching captured. JG's sketches using this technique are fabulous. My memory muscles need more working-out!
i look forward to your church sketches tara, i'm always amazed you can sketch the little one's so well, i have a two year old and she's ALWAYS moving! great memory you have!
Lovely sketches. I agree with Jim on closing your eyes. Sometimes that's the best way to see.
What sweet sketches.
Such wonderful sketches.
Yes, children are so much prettier and more charming than adults.
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