
Saturday, January 10, 2009

on endings....

Here I was at 5:30am (I have not been to bed yet, mind you) ironing my stack of illustrations flat, so that I can scan, label, coversheet, and package them up for posting after the sun comes up...

This is the last of this batch of books (the interiors of book #8). I have a break for a couple of months with which to sleep, clean, generally catch-up...

O lap-top, I love you. You have kept me company lo these many months of studio-servitude. The twitter, the facebook, the youtube and hulu have kept me from feeling completely isolated (and stark raving-mad from painting monotony!), but now my dear, I am going to turn you off for a bit and clean/read/walk/nap/maybe see some 'real' people?! I'll be back when the feeling returns to the bottom half of my body...


Anonymous said...

My laptop has become my best friend in these times of trying to be self-employed from home. My husband gets jealous sometimes!

Real people! I've noticed that I get excited when going to the grocery store sometimes...just for the fact that I'm out and about instead of holed up at home. Helps with my own monotony :)

Sandi McBride said...

I know you're glad that the work is coming together and boy do I know that bottom half numbness. LOL...hope you'll be back soon!

The Art of Kim Kincaid said...

Hurray Tara!
At least you are in good company. Remember at IMC, Scott Fischer said that once he hadn't been outside the house, except to go to the mail box for 23 days? Go outside and breathe deeply.

So, you iron your watercolors? I've never heard of that. What I can see of your work, looks good, as usual.
Hope the numbness wears off soon.

roz said...

YAY Tara!!
Enjoy your respite, it sounds like you need it.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Tara! Enjoy the "real" world and the return of feeling.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Tara, put on your hiking boots. We non-reals will still be here when you return.

Christine Mercer-Vernon said...

Yippee! now it's time to sleep, sleep, sleep and get caught up on life, go outside and breathe some cool crisp fresh air. these sneak peeks look wonderfully fabulous!

Isobel said...

What wonderful achievements you have made. You should be so satisfied! the ironed bits look great. You really did it and now you can take a couple months to behave as a normal wonderful balanced human!

Chris.P said...

Well done for finishing your latest batch Tara.

Meeting real people would be nice. I actually felt so deprived of company the other day that I chatted up a cold caller on the phone and even got their email address!

Elizabeth said...

What a sense of accomplishment you must feel!

Merisi said...

Congratulations, Tara,
on another chapter brought to closure! I wish you lots of time among friends and fellow human beings, to indulge and bath yourself in "real" life.

Michelle Palmer said...

All that will enjoy & appreciate your work are THANKFUL, grateful & excited for all that is coming!
Hooray for you~
Wishing you a wonderful rest...
a wonderful "fill-up!"

Gail said...

Well done Tara - you must feel so good having all that done. Have a nice break catching up in the real world and see you back online soon ... and if I haven't already said so - here's wishing you a lovely 2009.

Best wishes
-Gail X

Ruthie Redden said...

Oh, phew, i am not the only person awake & finishing off at oh so mad hours of the morning! do enjoy your visit to the realm of real Tara, hopw u have a real good rest x x

Tom Kidd said...

Congratulations! Uh, on finishing your ironing.

I'm supposed to go out and meet with friends on Friday. The weatherman says it's going to be zero degrees that morning. Warm friendship vs. freezing cold weather. Which will influence me most?

Soozcat said...

Hey, I'm close enough to be a real person! :) Let's go do something.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog, and am enjoying browsing through it. From what I can see of your art in this post its BEAUTIFUL! I look forward to seeing more in the future. Its always fun to run into another northwester out here in blog land (I am currently in Bellingham)