Since I'm still too wiped to actually go out and *work* in the garden, I'm having to content myself with watching my mom whip it into shape,
and in photographing the current state of growing things in the
pre-twilight light....

There are things coming up in all the beds-

-the raspberries are filling in nicely.

(For the chickens, hope springs eternal that if you are outside, then maybe they can be also? They spring hopefully to the top of their feed can and chide you for their incarceration.)

Mounds of chives, getting ready to blossom.

The lilacs are full out.

And my young quince tree is absolutely covered this year!
Oh gardens, I will think loving and wistful thoughts in your direction until I can return to you....
Here's hoping you get some quince this year. They smell so heavenly...
Your garden is lovely and so much going on in it. My chickens are the same :)
Theres an award for you on my blog.
Kim x
lol at your chickens :D
your mom is doing a great job on your yard.
still hoping your recovery goes fast :)
SWEETNESS! Love your gardens~ Hope you're feeling stronger each day...
& yes, those quiet after midnight hours to work! Then, those nights where I manage to get to bed at a decent hour & then wake around 3am...creative wheels get turning & can't get back to sleep! :)Some of the best pieces come from those odd nights! Artists!!! :)
Hope your weekend is wonderful~
Your garden seems to be coming along without you, or for you....Good to hear you are going to Acupuncture. That will help restore your Qi to it's usual vibrant level :~)
Thanks for visiting my blog, I agree about the gradated background. The Spots gave you get well wishes so you can release the chickens.
You have a perfect PNW garden! Those chives are looking mighty healthy. I planted four tomatoes and three snapdragons in mine. One day I'll get serious about it...
Tara: What a wonderful space for all your edible plantings! I love the chicken coop! Are they laying some great eggs?
Get well soon!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Your garden looks very English so I imagine we have much the same climate?
imagine the 'micro greens' dissapearing if those chooks get free!! just checked out your egg posts. they are lovely, mmmmmmm, fresh scrambled eggs.....I'm jealous!!
Oh! Raised beds-- heaven! :-)
Love your chickens, too.
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