I haven't been for about 5 years, but since I missed the
Scottish Games (which were during the heat wave!), and the
Summer Faire at Camlann, and needed my Medieval fix for the season. It was at a new venue this summer, in rural Buckley on a fabulous farm.

On paying our entrance fee, we are given change in the 'coin of the realm', which could be used for any number of tempting options -

There were lots of fair-ish culinary choices -

There were booths and booths of costuming ensembles - from fairy to historical to pirate - lots of jewelry, leather and weaponry...

There were also miscellaneous objects - hand-tooled leather journals, magic wands, horned helmets, and just plain horns. [I bought a couple of the twistiest ones - drawing twisty horns in various perspectives is one of my banes! Having the thing to look at should make it MUCH easier!]

The local blacksmith was selling *his* twisty wares... How about these spoons?

And speaking of spoons - this dragon sculpture was constructed predominantly out of oval cutlery.

living here I've never actually been to a Scottish game lol probably should one day
that dragon is amazing! hmm wonder if it would fit in the living room? :p
Love that dragon sculpture! Sounds like you had a great time. I know for myself that these fairs offer endless inspiration for the fantasy artist.
Jennifer: You haven't truly lived until you've seen the caber toss :-D
Definitely go to the Scottish Games one day.
Don't forget, you also met award-winning (and incredibly handsome) author Ethan Rose & got the book "Rowan of the Wood."
I'm very sorry to have missed out on meeting you. I've been under the weather :-(
Ah, the Renn Faire. Did you "talk" the part while you were there, or dress up?
Love the plastic hangers - so authentic. ;~)
There were quite a few inauthentic aspects to this particular faire, but it was still a great deal of fun.
Christine- I would love to go but oddly enough not a common thing here lol
they sometimes have a hard time finding people to participate. I need to move to another part of Scotland I think :p
I love those faires, but haven't been in ages. Why didn't I think of making a dragon out of spoons? Awesome!
Now that I've been following your blog for a year or so, I have to say: The Pacific Northwest has the best events evah!
You are so lucky to have so many cool events happening within driving distance. Enjoy!
I love that dragon. Some restaurant should snap that up as a feature piece.
Jennifer Rose - Scottish Festivals are my *favorite* (ours here is huge. You can check the link I posted to it from last year). Was sad to miss it this year - but it was too darned hot.
You could acquire that dragon for your living room for about $8000. :-)
Lisa - LOTS of inspiration - though mostly fantastical rather than authentic.
Christine Rose - I was sorry to miss meeting you as well. Catherine speaks very highly of you.
Paula - no, I am a stick in the mud when it comes to dressing up (round, short-haired, glasses - not really fitting...). For authentic fairs, I go to the one at Camlann (see link in post) which tries really hard to be thoroughly period.
Richard - do they have any festivals up your way? You would think there would be something on the peninsula?
Thanks Garden Ms. S - come down and avail yourself of them any time. :-)
$8000! 0.o do you think they would take pennies? :p
What fun! I miss our faire - it closed a couple of years ago. I missed faerieworlds this year, too, so it was wonderful to see your pictures - a vicarious visit!
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