All-female day at church this morning...

I find I am fighting with myself a bit with this kind of sketch - I am drawing actual people, live, but can't seem to come to any internal consensus regarding how much to strive for realistic likenesses versus how much to suggest a likeness whilst stylizing the way I am wont to do... I seem to tend towards the latter, but not entirely. I should probably make a decision and then push it more in which ever direction I come down on. I'm not so happy with this inbetween stuff...
i love ur illustrations u have a real eye for detail ;0)
I hadn't thought about it until you said stylized but now I can see it. Since you are able to do realistic and if you don't plan to do portraits, I don't see anything wrong with stylized. They are more interesting because of the character and emotions you can assign to them, which would be more than if you were doing realistic. On the other hand if you plan to do some realistic paintings and drawings, you might want to do the realistic sketches for awhile.
As a painter of fantasy, I can't think of anything harder than drawing reality. You do an admirable job!
I'd just do what feels the most natural to you. I especially love the bottom one!
I agree with Eric...the bottom one is my favorite. I find that when I think about what I'm doing too much it hinders me. If you keep doing these sketches I think it the answer will find you. Oh....aren't you suppose to be paying attention in church? ;)
I think your life drawings are great! and I do see what you mean about stylizing, it's like this little twist that could come only from you :~) You've probably done this, but what I find helpful if I like I need to find a new way is do everything in scribbles, sort of like Giacometti's drawings, though mine never look that good. Shake it up and see what comes out....Hmm, think I'll do some myself........
d. moll, I.ac., have you ever read the book, "A Giacometti Portrait"? I highly recommend it! One of my painting teachers had us read it, if for nothing else than for a view into the inner workings of an artist's process. (and guess what, he didn't think that his drawings were looking that good either! ;)
Tara, remember when we were talking about style development? I really think that this would be a good jumping off point for that: Take your "stylized" drawings and keep going in that direction. They have a spark of life in them that the others do not.
I find if I have a notebook with me, I actually pay *more* attention in church, don't you? I don't usually sketch (well, OK, I doodle), but if I take notes I remember what's been said a lot more clearly.
Have to agree that the bottom-most sketch has the most personality.
Yes, I draw precisely to pay *more* attention than I would otherwise. (I am pretty darn nocturnal. Church is far too early. If I sit and passively listen, I go straight to sleep.) If I'm drawing the person speaking, many times I'll also take a few notes to so that I DO remember what was said. Even much later when I see it in my sketchbook again.
I find it very helpful.
And I think I am convinced to stylize.
Can't wait to see what happens! :~)
Good art...
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