After a month-long holiday-treat-orgy, I was, unsurprisingly, feeling a bit worse for wear.
Last week, I attended a lecture by
The Juice Lady.
I've had a juicer languishing in the pantry for a number of years (and was supposed to be victim of my next household-purge), but she gave a very compelling lecture of the therapeutic benefits of fresh mainly-veggie juicing, as well as some spectacularly delicious samples. I came away inspired, and have resurrected the juicer for daily use. It certainly feels good to do. I may even recover from an overload of Trader Joe's dark chocolate covered peppermint Jo-Jo's.....
Ooooo... that looks good! You know, except for the beets. ;-)
mmm, evil Joe-Joes...
erm, I mean, tasty veggies! :)
love juice!
love chocolate too!!
mmmchocolatemmmm I mean mmmbrainsmmm no, no that's not right either. Mmmmjuicemmm? Hey I think I've got one of those juicer thingies stored downstairs, good idea! Must try it out. Then chocolate, yes?
Those are pretty veggies :). I may never recover from the JoJo's they are so delectible!
Well done at starting a healthy regime! I'm finding it sooo hard to change after all the indulgences and I've got into very bad habits now! I love your figure friday drawings :)
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