For Christmas, I received a couple of Easy Sprouters plus a whole bunch of samples to sprout. Am having fun experimenting with it. Favorites so far? Buckwheat groats and Lentils.
Nice looking sprouts...look almost like mine, now were these done in the dark? I tried a couple today with the pods still on and tbey were quite tasty, but I love green lentils, even before they are soaked and sprouted...
I used to sprout lentils and use them in salads and stir fry. Id forgotten all about that, thanks for reminding me. You're so good doing this healthy eating, I really must get on with it too!
Nice looking sprouts...look almost like mine, now were these done in the dark? I tried a couple today with the pods still on and tbey were quite tasty, but I love green lentils, even before they are soaked and sprouted...
Mung beans for me! Off to eat some right now...
I used to sprout lentils and use them in salads and stir fry. Id forgotten all about that, thanks for reminding me. You're so good doing this healthy eating, I really must get on with it too!
All of you sprouters inspire me. So you were able to get the buckwheat sprouted after all? What was the problem with the first batch?
I've been sprouting seeds too! Done alfalfa and mung beans so far, want to grow some wheatgrass next :-)From Rachel (@hernegardens on twitter)
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