We have begun our kitchen remodel... Ah, what upheaval!

(Here is our world's-tiniest-kitchen - pre-intervention. Band-aide colored tile and all.) And, here is it with everything but the fridge and oven removed... Wiring, plumbing, and patching all done. We are now sinkless for the next three weeks.... No succulence happening here at the moment...

I'm guessing there was a loose floorboard at some point and the unknown kid thought it was fun to "vanish" some objects.
That, or you have a baby infestation. ;)
Ah ha! Now we can settle the argument about who has the smallest kitchen - I have! Yours is twice the size of mine and much nicer, (My goodness, I can even see a table and chairs!) That is some debris you've uncovered, the baby bottles (not one but five!) is interesting. I dread to think what we'd find under our cupboard. Singular.
Tara, sometimes I sing along to your posted music. Sometimes I just bang my head with envy of chooks, cedar-shaded valleys.
And sometimes...I laugh my head off at the stuff people find when renovating. Baby bottles, stuffed Muppets, possible mouse nests.
You know, don't you, that this must make its way into a sketchbook...
how odd the things you can find underneath things o.0
and I think I have the smallest kitchen, should take a picture of it. can hardly fit two people in it lol
are you going to paint the walls?
I'm going with the first comment- someone was enjoying stuffing!! very interesting
Geez, it makes me wonder what we would see in our houses if we got to crawling baby level. My kitchen is a bad 1970s reno and we are planning to tear it out in a few years. Wonder what we will see?? Whatever it is, it will probably be of the avocado green and harvest gold era of the rest of the kitchen. :)
Ahhhh....remodels. disruptive, annoying, aggravating and WONDERFUL. I can't wait to see what you do - and LOVE the description of "band-aide color", LOL
Ernie!!! That's where you've been all this time.
I feel for you for living without a kitchen! Hopefully it will go fast and smooth.
Scarey to think of what is under mine! Elena
BTW, I'm thinking Zombie Ernie is going to have issues related to milk for a long, long time to come...
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