
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Saturday -

Today seemed a day full
of costumed people -
A friend of mine stopped by this afternoon to show me her fancy-schmancy new corset on the way to trick-or-treating -

Fairy niece #1 (shown next to fairy niece #2) had an Alice-in-Wonderland birthday-tea party of awesome (I hope to see more pictures!)

And the son - who is normally clean-cut and fairly conservative - decided to try the Emo-route for dressing-up for a party tonight...

(here with his Blue Man Group buddy....)

...until he had to dress up even *more* for a Day-of-the-Dead dance number later on in the evening... So many sides and faces...!

Where-ever you are, I hope you have some awesome dressing-up in your weekend. :-)

1 comment:

Michelle Palmer said...

LOVE them all... Two perfect Alice gals... ADORABLE in that chair :)