
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Sketching - plus, more Ducklings!

 Breaking in the teensy new purse Moleskine...

And since they were so darling, I thought more ducklings deserved posting... :-)
 More mommy and babies... They can't be more than a couple of days old, they are still all fuzz, no feathers...

 Herding them along the embankment...

 Despite being uber-young, they seemed to know just what to do and raced down to the water...

 ...and sorry for the blurry, but I thought their return 'in formation' was too cute..

And here's her herding them back - while all sorts of other birds watched, but did not interfere (a couple of roosters are just out of shot).  It'll be interesting to see how much they've grown by next week.

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