Our weather continues to be unseasonably cool and dampish. The results of this vary....
The raspberries, on the left, seem mostly unaffected (and a few are even getting rosy), while the currents and jostaberries (on right) are getting halfway ripe and falling off... :-(
The broccoli, cabbages and cauliflower seem fine (in raised bed) as do the impervious Jerusalem artichokes (along the back fence).
The kiwi vine is growing with great vigor! Up the house and even creeping over to strangle one of the bird feeders.
The strawberries are slowly , slooowly growing - actually picked my first ripe one today. And the 'square-foot' greens have totally enjoyed the cool weather, growing full and lush. Except in the bottom left corner. Despite several attempts of replanting, nothing has come up there. If you look closely, you may be able to discern why....
Apparently, this is my cat's new favorite sunning/rolling spot! The darn thing....
Ah, yes - a serious case of Rollius felinus. I'm afraid only drastic measures would be effective. Best to take a deep breath and just wear it!
The rest looks lovely, even with inclement weather.
Here? The sort of wind that is like sandpaper on your skin and permanent "fright-hair."
lol could be worse, could be rolling in the whole of the bed :p
no strawberries here yet, lots of flowers but thats it. weather here has been really odd :/
That is one happy cat - and who wants to mess with that!
We are happy to have a little more cool and rain this year than we have been getting. People are saying it is unusual, but it may only be unusual in that we had begun to be so accustomed to drought conditions that when it isn't it feels unusual. It does though that we seem we swing wildly to both ends of the spectrum.
The woodland flowers are loving the rain and blooming their little hearts out on the forst floor which pleases me immensely. :)
Try planting a batch of catnip nearby, she may then stay out of your garden plants. I stress "may". Of course she'll be crazy high from the catnip.
The wildlife demands a bit of earth. That is a certainly happy cat :)
I love the photos of the contented cat, lolling and lazing in the dirt :)
But kitty looks so CUTE rolling in the vegetables, and so happy too. She's getting her vitamins all over her.
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