Loreena McKennitt has been on my mind of late. This is possibly my very favorite piece of hers....
This depiction of connection to the earth makes me nearly teary...
In my own earth-fowl-connection, things remain very exciting... Possibly too exciting.
The chicks are now out of their hutch full time, but the integration with the older evil hens is a bit fraught with peril and much squawking. When they are all in the coop together the big girls terrorize the babies (see them all huddling in the corner in the circle on the photo on the right? They spend a great deal of time trying to hide).(Jack the Wonderdog is very solicitous and concerned for the welfare).
So, when the babies' screeching wakes me up early in the morning, I go let the big girls out to range and lock them out of the coop so that the babies can have their day in relative peace.
The one disadvantage to the older hens being out all day is that they find some super-sekrit place to lay their eggs out in the yard. After looking for their hiding spot for a couple of days I decided to ask Jack where the eggs were. Amazing-Wonderdog that he is, he took me right to them (which happened to be tucked behind the bamboo teepee next to the rain barrel. Would never have found them on my own!)
Hopefully integration will happen soon and there will be a happy little flock, else there might be some stewing chickens for dinner....
Perhaps this is just some chicken coop hazing ritual and they will all pass initiation soon?
That was me who deleted myself. I wish blogger would let you just edit the darn thing.
Anyways, I was saying I hope the birdies can get along. Maybe if the big girls knew their lives depended on it ...
mad chickens, i remember one of mine going off and laying all over, when my duck hatched her eggs, lo we had a chick that thought she was a duckling & would stand at the edge of the wee pond looking most bemused when all the others went off for a paddle. hope they sort themselves out soon x
ack. I don't much like chicken personalities. Or is it chickenalities? the pecking order business can be gruesome.
I'm envious of all you chicken owners! I'll just have to sit here and enjoy them second hand! ;o) x
I like how you call them the evil big girls!
Ah well. I'm glad, as an unfulfilled chicken keeper, you post these updates. I guess it'll have to do for now. (I emailed my municipality to inquire about bylaws today and this backward burg still won't allow backyard hens. Stupid since THE CITY OF VANCOUVER does. A lot of Delta is rural, though, so I guess they figure they don't need to help out those of us in the suburban part, even those of us with 200' deep backyards. Grumblegrumble)
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