
Friday, January 14, 2011

Figure Friday -

 1 minute gestures...

 5 minute poses -

 10 minutes -

20 minutes and 40  minutes....


Hayden said...

astonishing how much you get down in a minute or five!

tlchang said...

Hayden - we do a 2 minute warm-up of 5 second gestures. That makes 1 minute feel *really* long. :-)

Hayden said...

(shaking head) yeah, well, I 'get' it logically, but not functionally. still astonishing. If I got one good line in 5 minutes I'd be singing at the top of my lungs!

tlchang said...

I truly truly believe that pretty much *anyone* can learn to draw functionally. (I teach a class on that very thing actually). You know that 10,000 hours needed to master anything? Certainly applies here. I am working hard towards my 10,000 hours!!!