Awhile back I posted some Work In Progress shots of my painting of Baba Yaga.... Since then I have entered her into a local juried show for artEAST (the poster is at the end of this post) and she charmed her way into an acceptance.
This means she needs to be framed - so she was taken to a local place to pick out one, plus matts, etc.. After much deliberation, I did so, ordered and purchased. And waited.... Finally called since I hadn't heard anything and the matts were ready. Went in to pick them up, and the order was wrong. I think Baba Yaga is cursing this project. They cut new ones for me and assembled it for me in penance. I went to pick it up today -
- and as soon as she was home and unwrapped, she fell and broke the corner of the brand new frame. of course. She has to be ready to turn in to the gallery by Monday, so the husband got creative and figured out a way to brace it while the glue dries....
And clever wordsmith friend, The Laundry Fairy, has already written an aria about the suspect saga:
(tune: "Hotel California")
Welcome to the Curse of Baba Yaga
Such an ugly name
In a broken frame
...Broken the frame with the Curse of Baba Yaga
Not a nice surprise
Get the angle vise.

We'll see how the saga continues. If I am very lucky, she will make it to hang on the wall and not injure anyone else around her. (If you're local, you're invited to the open on March 11. If you dare. :-).
The painting looks just amazing, Tara.
She looks lovely, maybe she's shy and doesn't want to go to the ball.
Good luck with the show. I LOVE your entry. I have found "the curse" of a project to be so true. If I mess up a special order, it happens over and over again or in epic proportions. Same with an EBAY sale. It either goes smoothly or falls apart repeatedly. Thankfully these "cursed" occasions are few and far between.
"You can hang her any time you like,
But she will *never* leave..."
Actually, she looks pretty good.:-)
Heh - thanks all. Crossing fingers that the frame is sufficiently fixed now. Will update if anything else dire happens!
I really really like her! She really sneaks in and captures your heart......
oops! gone!
Thanks Hayden.
I'm still crossing fingers that the show goes smoothly. She somehow managed to make the GPS non-functional when I took her to the never-been-before gallery (it works fine now), so I am still dubious...
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