Drawing MUST commence! Wish I had more emotional energy for it...
On a more positive note, my non-wintering herbs are starting to come up. That always makes me happy.

I grew Angelica for the first time this past summer. It has lovely leaves and a number of questionable culinary uses. In it's second year it's supposed to get REALLY tall (8 feet or more) - so I'll have to see if it's outgrown it's space.

And I did a little happy-dance when I saw that my chives are re-emerging! Chives and thyme - I use almost non-stop all summer. I'm growing even more chives this year so that I make use of the blossoms as well (yum!). If you let your chives flower willy-nilly, the leaf production goes way down, and since I use the leaves so much I let very few flowers happen. If I grow twice as many plants, I can let half of them flower. I found a recipe for sesame-chive-blossom-asparagus that is to die for - can't wait to grow enough blossoms to make it more than once or twice this year.
Good luck with drawing and teaching, its really hard changing hats all the time. Your herbs are looking lovely I won't show them to dylan rabbit he will be after me to plant more so he can eat them again!
Sounds like you've been busy! I can totally relate. I've been having trouble finding enough quiet time to do some drawing. I hope to have a small window to jump through tonight, we'll see.
I do love to cook with chives, and thyme is pretty to look at, I think. Are you willing to share that asparagus recipe? Sounds yummers.
Ah, you must be a few weeks ahead of us weather wise. My plants are still keeping their heads down...
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