My late-blooming camellia is nearly full-out now. It's a big, round very-large-bush, or smallish-bushy-tree, whichever you prefer, and always reminds me of the Red Queen's rose bushes in "Alice in Wonderland". I can see it out my bedroom window in the mornings, and especially when there is sunshine, it is glorious.
Back to my lack-of-balance entry: I have decided that I can only do two things with any degree of focus (beyond the basic family-life stuff). I can prepare class and teach - which I am committed to doing, and I can paint or I can work out in my yard. I don't seem to be able to do all three. Deadline again looms, so I really don't have a choice in which ones I can work on right now.
However, the sun is shining. I have flats of vegetable and herb starts just waiting to be potted and planted, and seeds that NEED to get out soon if I want a crop before September. It's all I can do to not respond... Now, if I was a *balanced* person, and could just go out for an hour or other designated time, I could maybe juggle all of this. Alas, my impulse control when it comes to any of these three ventures (teaching, painting, gardening) leaves a lot to be desired and I know I will get myself in trouble if I indulge in gardening today.
I guess I will leave the planting as a reward to finishing my current project...

This flat awaits with highly fragrant herbs - lemon verbena, spearmint, peppermint, lemon thyme, lime thyme, scented geraniums (rose and lemon), french tarragon, etc... I know it's waiting. I will try to finish up chosen obligations and get to it as soon as I can...
When I had young kids I tried doing three things, too: teaching, painting and raising my children. I also learned that I can do two max. I gave up teaching.
The "two thing" limit makes me feel better for not getting to my studio in the past few weeks with the big amount of graphic design work I've had. It IS frustrating, though!!!
Nice flat of herbs, there. Where do you buy your plants? My old potted herbs from last year are all woody and overgrown and I'd love to get some nice little ones and start all over again.
I do a combination of grown-from-seed and various local venders - Molbaks, Fred Meyers, Yakima Fruit Market, and other small, local nurserys...
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