
Thursday, June 08, 2006


It used nearly all my chive blossoms (I allowed 2 of my 6 chive plants to flower. Should have let more!) - but it was worth it! This is pretty fabulous and one of my favorite spring time dishes...


Joanna said...

That looks really pretty and delicous. I always wonder what to do with asparagus.

andrea said...

Wow. You can eat chive blossoms? How ignorant am I?

Chris.P said...

There's something primeval about that dish Tara.

One of may favourite, if not saddest pastimes is walking through the countryside munching on free nosh. Things like sorrel, hawthorne leaves and flowers, elderflowers, etc.

I'm beginning to learn about all the medicinal benefits of wild plants. It feels like I'm keeping old traditions alive.


Gretel said...

It looks beautiful, and on a nice dish! I only have one chive blossom, perhaps I'll use it for something special.

tlchang said...

Joanna - aparagus is one of my favorite veggies! Just steamed with lemon and butter is fabulous. But try grilling it! Wow! Or with holandaise sauce. Or with sesame seeds and chives...

Andrea - I started learning all about edible flowers a few years ago. My current goal is to not plant anything new in my yard that is not edible or medicinal - so all my flowers now pretty much can also double in my kitchen. We eat all kinds of them. It's always good to confirm before putting anything in your mouth - but pretty much any herb and most vegetables (with the exception of the nightshades) have edible, and mostly delicious, flowers.

Chris - herb and tree lore are some of my very favorite things. (one of those places where I tend to lose my illustrative focus). I think I must have been one of those little, old, herb-women who lived in a cottage at the edge of the forest surrounded by plants and cats in a former life...

Gretel - the blossoms are yummy, but stronger than you would expect! Sprinkle it on a salad or on soup - but be conservative until you're sure you like it!

Gina said...

Mmm, it's so pretty!

Nabeel said...

I am not a vegetable person but I actually used the green things on my dinner place (the one visible on yours) .. to write LOVE .. and then showed it to the one I was having dinner with :)

Putting the vegetables to good use :)