Another mail fairy graced my mailbox today (I'm not sure my mailman knows what to think!) :-)

These were truly fairy gifts, sparkle and glitter and organza - from a fairy who knows how to use them better than anyone else I know!

What a plethora of tiny, fairy treasures! Butterfly wings, tassels and paper umbrellas. Sparkling emphemera in tiny glassine envelopes... How lovely. Thoughtful. Imaginative and magical. As are all of Ulla's creations. If you have not had the pleasure of sampling her blog, you really must! It is a delicious concoction of artful and creative inspirations from all sorts of sources - guaranteed to brighten your day and prime your creative pump.

The only item I was not so sure about was the 'Pocket Guide to the Successful Hunting and Cooking of Gnomes'. Actually, it is hilarious - but I am currently illustrating a number of gnome characters (I drew a new one this evening during my daughter's band concert) who are definately NOT for eating, (and are actually pretty adorable) but maybe your experience with gnomes has not been so positive...
Thank you fairy package supplier! I'm sure I'll have glittery thoughts for the rest of the week. :-)
What a treasure chest!! So beautiful! Oh that Ulla she is the sweetest fairy on this earth!! This package is Ullamazing!
Oh my goodness, those fairies are pranksters are they not??? As for the Gnome Guide - they must have been thinking of the little critters that hide under California houses - not in your territory, surely - no offence ment!
Also, did you realize that the seashell opens to more 'surprizes'???
Hehe, how fun! I must be evil... I want to go gnoming.
What a lovely parcel, you lucky thing!
Hurrah for the secret fairies! It was a lovely sunny late morning yesterday, so I sowed all the seeds you sent me and whispered words to them as I did it. Can't wait to see what emerges in the Spring.
WOW> I should visit Ulla and start sucking up just in case... :)
Yes - Ullamazing, absolutely!
Ulla - no offense taken - it is a very funny booklet. The timing was just particularly ironic given what I was drawing that day.
Daisy - I will send good wishes to all your seeds.
That label reminded me of a wine label. Go figure.
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