The upside for my kids is that they really like getting surprise days off from school. I put them in charge of Christmas decorating, and they've put up the tree, decorated it and made good progress on some of the other decor. (It will be a week or so before I can even begin to think about it myself.

The intrepid postman, however, was not daunted by all the frigid, icy weather. He brought me *two* lovely packages this week. The first from the very talented PG with a treat-filled package including my order from Red Flannel Elephant cards. I so love her color sense, as well as her gently quirky and endearing characters. I am very pleased.

And the very sweet fairy known as NatureGirl sent a lovely package full of the scent of lavender, clouds of glitter and butterfly wings. The beautiful bird is already gracing our newly put-up tree. I am especially touched by her generosity. We at the SOSF were sponsoring a handmade card/ornament event for Christmas but I felt I'd better not participate this time around (I can NOT seem to do anything halfway, and the art deadlines for the near future are prohibitive... So to save myself from myself....) However, I was a little bit sad about bowing out [I have the coolest ornament I wanted to make! but alas... no time...] - so now I don't feel completely left out!
Speaking of deadlines, I must get back to them. This next one is particularly tight - and I don't know if I will have any more spare moments for the computer - for this next week at the least... (Occasionally - if I'm getting painting-tired and starting to make mistakes, I may check in, especially if there are any fairies to be thanked - but no promises)...
I *hope* to see you all again soon...
Leaving a lil prayer that you meet your deadline and we see you again...lol...!
Looking forward to see your c/mas tree all decked up...!
btw- partial snow on the bracnhes is looking so awesome.
good luck on the deadline! and i never thought i would be so happy to have MORE rain! goodbye snow...i can finally get out of my driveway now! lucky you, what great packages you recieved! hasta luego!
Good luck with your deadlines Tara!
we have had the most ridiculous weather for November too - high temps & gusting winds.
so glad that you received a little something in the mail - that NG is a gem!
Hope you get your deadlines met!! Love the snow!!
I know the deadline pressure feeling!!
Hope it all goes well, no snow here in England yet! It's still too warm!
Hope to see more soooon!
See you soon Tara. All the best with your work.
I have been hearing about your snow on the news!None on my mountain as yet..but it's comming soon! Beautiful pine tree!
It always a ~*JOY*~ to recieve surprise packages and I love your elephant cards!
Wishing you much creativity with your deadlines...pace yourself. hugs NG
Best of luck with your deadlines :-) I work by deadlines too so I know the drill... I just met one on Friday and can now finally play, update my blog and listen to that new Loreena album when it finally lands at my door. Thanks for your input about it on my blog. I happen to love world music so I'm sure I won't be disappointed :-)Fairy blessings,
Browsing blogs on this quiet Tuesday evening, listening to Loreena McKennitts new CD, I happened on your blog.
I'm also a "seattle area" artist, and it's always nice to see blogs close to home. And you're absolutely right...the weather has been insane!
Your art work is beautiful, and you blog is just plain fun. I will visit when I can. Thanks for taking the time to share. =)
It's wednesday, december 6, and I hope you beat the deadline! Vienna's children expect a visit by Saint Nicholas this evening (some have been already visited last night). They put their shoes out the front door and hope for chocolates, clementines and nuts.
I have a few days before the madness begins again, so just stopping by to say hi, hope things are going well with you.
Hello! thought I would pop in and say hi, hope you're getting on with your work ok. Looking forward to a new post!
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