Thanks so much for all the well wishing out there! The last week has been fairly one-dimensional as far as activities in my life. Some figures for your perusal:
Paintings painted - twenty seven.
Hours per day in the studio - fifteen.
Days without leaving the house - eight.
Days extension on original deadline - seven.
Kid's performances missed - six.
Books-on-tape listened to - five.
Fairy ornaments in the mail - four.
New hot chocolate varieties tried - three.
New CDs listened to (Loreena came!) - two.
Spilled water containers on studio table - one.
Nights in bed before 2am - zero.
I now hope to get a bit more sleep for the next few days before jumping right back into the grind... And it would be nice to address Christmas just a little bit before Christmas eve. My husband has been working quite long hours at his new job as well, so my poor kids have had to basically forage for themselves. We've tried to at least keep food in the refrigerator, but that's about as far as it went most days.
I'm terribly behind on everyone's blogs, will attempt to check in as I can - but the busy-ness and near-impossible production schedule continues...
Happy December at least!
Good to hear from you again SUPERWOMAN !!! hope you get to have some time off over Christmas with your family.
I am very busy with work too, today I have been drawing up 'cute bags', can you imagine? they are for a toy manufacturer who makes for high street retailers, they're like plush, soft toys, puppies and kittens etc but hollow and with zips and handles. Very sophisticated...not!!
So, here are kind thoughts, sent to you, from one drawing Mum to another.
Of dear lost another comment have not got the hang of this beta thing. Think I understand it now.
Hope you find time for some nice early nights. I can't imagine painting 20 something pictures in a week. I would have to go with out any sleep or food.
You *are* superwoman. 27 paintings? That's just madness!! No wonder you haven't been to bed before 2 a.m. Your publisher must be nuts -- or sadistic. But at least you've been proving how well you work under pressure. Before you know it you'll be able to pick and choose your projects, like George Clooney.
We in the peanut gallery are pulling for you!
At the risk of sounding like your (or somebody's) mother, I would say you are working TOO HARD, but you know this anyway. I do admire you for your ability to wor like this, I am a lazy so-and-so, and would jib at having to do so much continuous work. Try to get some you-time this weekend.
Good health and time for yourself and your family over the coming days. Cheers for your accomplishments,
Oh I'm so sorry you had to miss the kid's performances. I know that is hard. I can't even imagine painting that much. I hope we get to see some of the end result. I love the picture on your post!!
I just need to thank you for mentioning Loreena on your site, I had never heard of her until you mentioned her. I went to her website and listened and was totally knocked out. Went straight to my local music store and bought the only album by her they had, no not her new one. I then ordered in christmas type ablum from Amazon and it arrived today. My cup overflowth, thanks for bringing her to my notice once again.
Oh POOR YOU, I really sympathise. Its extra hard for a creative type at this time of year I think as there is so much fun to be had and you cant go there because of work. A nesscessary evil. Keep your pecker up girl. xx
wow! a schedule like that would leave my body in serious pain! i hope not you too! i hope for some gloriously restful 'down time' for you soon! i'm sure the paintings were fabulous!
Thankyou for all the commiseration, you kind souls. I really can't take all the credit - I'm sure the only way I was able to get done was a direct result of 'divine intervention'. There were some very tangible 'angels' about that made it possible - as well as my survival possible.
Daisy - I'm glad you are enjoying Loreena. She is worth discovering! (I like this latest CD of hers alright - but her early ones are my favorite).
seems to me you are doing way too much ! but I guess at this time of year that is what happens. BUT don't forget to take a little time each day to just BE. sending some angels your way to give you some help. Just call on them and expect miracles to happen :)
oh and don't worry too much about commenting on blogs - it seems we are all frazzled to some degree right now oxoxo
Heyy welcome back !! Your accounting was hilarious....not going to bed happens to me as well when we travel and have to compete all the work...dah...!
Hope things will ease up now...!
One more comment which I so much wanted to send to you - I found the illustration on this post "full of warmth" - I am not sure whom you have depicted in your post (since I am relatively new)- however the expressions which you have captured they are so lovely.
bendtherulz - thanks. The 'older gent' in this photo is actually my husband (although he does not as yet have grey hair. He's *very* young! Just ask him!)
My poor family have posed and filled in for all sorts of things - all sorts of ages and ethnicities...
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