A couple of days ago, Andrea over at Colouring Outside the Lines said to post a photo of yourself from about 20 years ago and explain why you like it. Not having a great deal of time to hunt for a favorite-story-filled photo, I pulled one off the shelf that dates to nearly 20 years exactly. My 20-year wedding anniversary is next month and this photo was taken in December of 1986. We were young, idealistic college students with our whole life spreading out before us. My brand-new husband had just recently convinced me to change majors - from computer science/statistics to design/illustration (a more polar switch, I can't imagine). The direction of my life changed in a number of ways that month, 20 years ago...
How about you? What were you doing (and looking like) twenty years ago?
Aww, you two were so cute! You still are!
I'd just turned 17 and was in my senior year in high school. I was developing a crush on the senior class president. My future education choices were in peril because I kept flunking out of an advanced algebra class required to graduate. My summer boyfriend had gone off to college and had written me a letter saying he was breaking up with me. I was quite certain that no one would ever love me enough to want to marry me and was thus making plans for a solitary but adventurous life. (Little did I know.)
It was an interesting time, but I prefer to be here now.
Nice picture.I find it so hard to believe how time seems to fly by, it's a hard thing to grasp.I love you work !
I love your work - I had to correct that.
We have our 20th anniversary in March! isn't it amazing how time flies. I can hardly believe it.
Tara, what a wonderful photo!!! And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY early! He was smart to push you in a more artistic direction... And even smarter to marry you!
I had just had my 3rd child and had a wicked case of post partum depression, also known as lay on the couch and watch the kids watch tv. I attribute their good grades to soooo much Sesame Street and Mr Rogers.
Happy Anniversary
You guys look so happy -- and your husband looks really familiar for some reason. Our 20th anniversary is next summer, so a lot of us got hitched around the same time it seems! As for the supposed dichotomy between disciplines, I have discovered that there's a strong link between math and art. I'd like to learn more about it/discover what the thread is, if anything.
20 years ago, I was 28, looks like I'm an oldie here!
At that time I was, guess what, same as now, a freelance illustrator.
Laurence and I have been together since about 1979, but we didnt get married untill 1998 when Toby was 3yrs old.
I liked the look of me 20 years ago alot more than now, there was alot less of me! but I am much happier and more content now, in my old age.
I keep thinking that I should put a photo of the 3 of us, or at least me and Toby on our blog, but have not got round to it yet.
Great to see you and your other half Tara, would be good to see one from now as well!
Oh gosh 20 years ago I was a women with meetings agendas and forcasts racing to reach the ivory tower of my chosen career..mostly going everywhere in a hurry.Today I am retired reinvented and relaxed with the luxury of much time and
never in a hurry!Nice looking couple!
You are so lovely! You are beautiful on the inside and out!
I love this idea of the 20years ago photo. I must do it when I can find the time to get into the cupboard and get the photo albums out.
Love the picture and the fact that you are still together. What an anchievement that not many can say!
Gosh, 20 years ago? I was a senior in highschool with not a clue of what I wanted to do with my life.
ooh thats great, you look so happy, still together, thats great too, Im off to look for a pic now.
hahaaa! I will trip down my memory lane of twenty years ago later !
first lets look at YOU !
You are beautiful !
Beautiful couple.
isn't it funny to look back this many years and to think of the things you were worried about and you see now --
That was a major change ! and I am sure you are glad you did it ? Well You wouldn't have added to the world no matter which direction you'd have gone with...I am sure. But ME ! I say , I am glad to see your artwork and get to enjoy this now !
I think I'm the youngest here then. 20 years ago I was 9, still in junior school, very shy, but loved school and always had my nose in a book or doing some arty crafty project.
The person I am now is very similar to the person I was then. I still love reading and arty crafty things, I look very much the same, even down to the hairstyle, the only real difference is I'm a little more confident. As a teenager I was very outgoing, I'd talk to anyone, somehow I lost that skill, but I did keep hold of that bit of the teenage me that stuck up for herself.
What an insightful love to know you were meant to be an artist!!
Twenty years ago I was fallin gin love with a French man...
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