The record-breaking rains seem to have eased off. We are now back to our more normal autumn-Seattle-drizzle. With actually a few sun breaks - lasting between two and five minutes each! I have tried to run outside when the sun breaks through to soak up some seratonin-inducing rays. (Some years I am really impacted by SAD (seasonal affective disorder) when we have days on end without sunlight, and given my current workload, I suspect this will be one of the years. 'Getting the sunshine while I can!)

The rain has also brought forth the yard-mushrooms. These tiny ones cover swaths of the lawn.

These larger clusters are rising up from underneath the conifers in the corner of the yard...

And clusters of these rubbery ones are growing amongst the wood chips. It's different every year. I'm always interested to see what and where this season's fungus is growing.
On the work front - you can tell that painting has completely saturated your subconscious when it begins to show up in your dreams. In 3D even! Last night I dreamt that I had rewet a large, pigment-drenched watercolor background so that I could sprinkle salt on it for texture. After rewetting, I began to actually walk around ON the background, which had become an area of real grass, dirt and stone - in a park, I think. I was walking and chatting with someone while sprinkling salt on the grass as I went...
There are a number of pieces of art that are so fascinating and mysterious that I've fantasized about climbing into them, but this is the first time it's felt like I actually HAVE.
What? You still have sun? We had a gorgeous day yesterday but there's another storm sweeping in now...
oh, goody, mushrooms - have you identified them? The middle ones look interesting. Our season is practically over now the frosts are setting in.
If you are dreaming of work, you are working too hard. I used to dream regularly of whatever retail enviroment I was in, the worst was when I'd been on the deli for 9 hours and went home and dreamt about serving endless queues...
Love the shrum photos... Have you seen Robin Williams 'When dreams may come'? He walks in his wifes paintings, like you speak of here...
ah...a season for mushrooms.
Why aren't I visiting my sisters in Vancouver right now? I need a good walk in a rainforest!
Andrea - we had sun for about 10 minutes is all. Back to rain, rain, rain now...
PG - Not identified with any degree of security yet. Have sent photos to my local mushroom expert.
Ulla - yes, I really like that aspect of that movie. My walking was damp with water, but not gushy with oil paint at least. :-)
Aaron - if it quits raining quite so much, a walk in the rainforest would be lovely. :-) Right now, it is still too soggy for me.
I can see the *pixies* have allowed you to see their creations all so interesting and unique!A quiet walk looking down at the earth..*~little treasures at your feet!*~
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