Already, I was feeling a bit nauseous after an email from the publisher requesting some serious revisions on top of and during my current very full schedule this week, and then we were finally impacted by more than dim, grey skies and the buckets of rain that have been falling for days now. Just as I was sitting down to get seriously to work, the power went out. For hours. Like five of them. That's OK, I have a big window in the studio and can work by all that sunshine outside - no wait, it's still *pouring* and there is barely enough light to see around the house without a flashlight...

*sigh* Much of the western part of the state is struggling with excess water. Happily, we live high enough to not be in any imminent danger, but many people are having an 'exciting' time of it. I wish them luck, and am counting my blessings.
Hopefully, the lights will stay on tomorrow and work will progress at an accelerated rate...
I wish I could send you some of our blue skies!
We need your water! A lot of places here are in a sorry state, having already run out of water or getting close to it. The worst affected are towns where water has to be trucked in and rationed out. We still have access to water but not for long if it doesn't rain soon. Oh how nice if we could see dark clouds on our horizon.
"When it rains it pours" would be appropriate to say in your world! I see Jack Frost has also come by noted in your last post!Keep an abundance of candles close by!Light showers here.
Size of that pig!
I thought that was snow in the first picture! We're having the same woes here, not surprisingly. Makes yard clean up (we have 19 deciduous trees!) impossible. Yay! :)
I heard about all the rain you have on the news... these photos make it reality!!! It too shall pass, keep your head high and always have an umbrella at your side...LOL...
Thanks for the 'size' hint for my etsy ornaments, didn't even think of that obvious point...!
hey, we have sunshine today! i am in your neck of the woods...i get LOTS of power outages too. we too are on higher ground, and not here with hip boots on. glad those photos were not in your front yard! or were they!?
Will blogger let me comment this time? We have just had two days of dark gloomy sky, in fact on Tuesday it hardly seemed to get light at all and I had to have a spot lamp on all day even though I was sitting next to a window. I have never known it quite so dark so early in November.
I hope things aren't quite as soggy-wet and power-free as they were earlier for you. How not fun.
Thanks for everyone's well wishes. It is no longer flooding (at least, not right now), but it is still pretty rainy out there. Thank goodness for full-spectrum lightbulbs over the studio desk!
I hope your weather gods have sent you some sunshine by now!
Had to smile about that pig picture, looked like they were playing a kind of pig water polo. Instead, poor creature.
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