On other fronts (no pun intended) - we continue to have 'severe' weather. Today started out sunny but incredibly windy. By early afternoon the clouds had blown in black and glowering and we had the most impressive lightning storm that I've ever seen here. Lightning strikes were recorded in a number of places and the thunder was deafening and right overhead. (And yes, we are known for precipitation here, but we rarely have thunder storms.) The clouds spit hail for a few minutes before surrendering to buckets of rain sluicing over the area again. Who needs TV? The view outside the studio window is impressive on its own.
Yes, it was a wild storm front tonight! Here we felt the lightning and thunder (my poor doggie was so spooked) and then suddenly big beads of hail came down, and then just as suddenly, stopped!
What an amazing picture!
An amazing image! Wow..you can hear the {{{crack!}}}
Today the skies here are *~SUNNY~* great day to get out and create outdoor Christmas displays!
psst..the SOSF has sprinkled my way!
wasn't that amazing weather!?! my kitties went to hide, and after a couple of the lightning IMMEDIATELY followed by thunder cracks, i wanted to join them!
Admirable, the courage, to look the beast in the eye! And what a great picture, at that!
We've had lots of fog since thursday and today rain and cold. Felt good to stay indoors at a concert. It was magnificent, with the Vienna Philharmonics themselves, more tomorrow, now I must get some sleep.
Good night from Vienna,
I see that picture and the back of my brain says, "It's alive! ALIVE!"
Quite a coincidence - I can't belive we living in plains got first wave of chill....we had slight drizzle rain....( well no where near to the pic which you have sent...) now the weather is taking a turn - it has been quite sunny and warm till now....!
ps - hats off to you...for taking that pic...I hide beneath my bed lol...
What an amazing photo!!
i amsending you some provencal sunshine and happy blessings for Thanksgiving!
I need to remember to post credit for other peeps pictures so people don't assume that I took them. This lucky photo was pulled from a local news station (we can't see the space needle from where I live). We *did* see quite a bit of lightning in the sky from our windows, but my camera is not that fast. :-)
love this photo. incredible!
Aha...got it...!
I am sure local newspaper would not have garnered those reaction...which your post is getting ...lol !!
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