Finished up the Christmas decorating, did some serious cleaning and straightening, raked leaves, organized the gifts and did some fill-in-the-blanks shopping. Bribed my daughter to do the wrapping this year. Listened to lots of Christmas music. Read a bunch of blogs. Actually cooked dinner. Went to see my son as a 'wise man' in our church's Live Nativity performance (it was very nice - all teenagers, who played their parts seriously. Very good recorded narration with music. Great costumes. Live animals. Very sweet.)
Alas, my to-do/catch-up list is still very long - and I'm only taking off one more day (I try not to work on Sundays if I can possibly help it) - hopefully my bills will get paid, and the studio MUST be tidied before I can jump into the next phase of the *big job*. Anything past that will be gravy.

But I must report a New Chocolate Find from my shopping trip!!! Grilling rubs by Diva Chocolates. There are a number of flavors to choose from, each spicy variety paired with a different type of meat, but tonight I tried the Orange Chocolate one on salmon. Yum! Yum! Yum! My family opted for my normal spicing of soy sauce and lemon juice, but I don't think I'm ever going back! I think I shall rub this on everything that I can think of! :-)

And last, but by no means least! a big thankyou to the very sweet Daisy Lupin for her Christmas package. Two lovely ornaments and a handcrafted card. The ornaments fit in beautifully on my eclectically decorated tree. And I want to share the interior of the card - Daisy is so poetic and descriptive with her captions -
"her elven sisters and herself would hurry through the snowy night and dance away the hours until dawn..."
Thank you, my 'gallery', for all your good thoughts and well wishes... I'm going to see if I can *sleep* away the hours until dawn now...
mm chocolate grill rubs? do you rub them onto steak? I guess it would be something different.
cooking dinner would have bought a bit of normalcy into your hectic life :)
and ya gotta love those daisy lupin ornaments - they are great!
You are amazingly efficient and deserve an Oscar for your efforts! I feel like a bum, I have only cooked lunch for 5 of my relatives, walked them up to the Gloriette and then got stuck in traffic "in the invasion of the white tourist buses" around Schönbrunn: It's a three day weekend and half of the population of Italy and all of Slovakia and Czechia was riding around in those tour buses in downtown Vienna. I shall dream of white buses in my nightmares ... ;-)
I can't quite figure out how salmon and chocolate taste together.
Wow, chocolate salmom - now that sounds delicious... Can totally relate to the never-ending lists... but you know that. Love the little ornaments too, very sweet. Hope your tasks go well, and that you take a little time out to play!
So good to hear you could take a couple days to regroup. Yes, I'm feeling better, although it seems I'm getting my Colitis (yuk and ouch!) back so apparently I'm not dealing with stress well. So, I've got some work to do to get my health back on track.
Can't wait to see how all of those painting turned out. Hooray they are off your desk and out into the wild blue.
I have no idea how you got all of that done in one break. It would take me a week to do all of that. I'm impressed.
happy sleeping sounds like you very much derserve all the sleep you have time for
Wow! You got so much done! :-) I know your to-do list is still long and in need of your attention, but don't forget to stop in between tasks ;-) Take a deep breath, look out the window, eat a piece of yummy chocolate, dance to a Loreena song (love her new album by the way!)...
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