[Homemade Valentine's, courtesy of my niece and nephew...]To find a person who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness.
Robert Brault

Thomas Dreier
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.
---Mother Teresa

I like the quote form Robet Brault best. How wonderful that your necie and nephew made you valentines cards !! I'll have to put on the blog the one Gwenny made for her father - love Julia x (ps. I'm glad you had a spending spree in reward for all your hard work..)
Lovely roses and lovely quotes
Truly a sentimental post! LoVeLy!
Creativity runs in your family it seems.
I love the Thomas Dreier quote.
I write at my site ~Love is like a lovely rose...hugs NG
Thank you for sharing your generous spirit of friendship with me!
Beautiful, the words and the roses, the roses are making me drool they are so lovely!
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