Shopping trip documented! It was really fun to walk around the show with friends (albeit - money-spending-enabling friends!) and see all the cool, creative, amazing, useful or frivolous items. I got some of each, I think.

One of my favorite vendors is the Seattle based Bedrock Industries, which sell ultra-cool shapes, colors and tiles of recycled glass. It is gorgeous stuff.

This guy (Nature's Creations) learned how to mold and cast leaves in copper back in High School as a science fair project. He says he's been doing it ever since (over 30 years). The leaves were beautiful! And one of a kind - since they are made from actual greenery.

And I nearly hyperventilated at this booth! I've seen jewelry made from china and porcelain plates before - but this guy's stuff was the most innovative and gorgeous I have ever seen. He imports a number of his plates from Germany or other places in Europe, and they were stunning and intensely colored (not typical for plates you see here). The bracelets, watches, earrings, brooches and pendants were encased in sterling silver in funky geometric shapes - all kinds of variations. They were also quite expensive and I was in the process of walking out of the booth when the jewelry guy walked up to me and actually fastened a bracelet on my wrist... After that, resistance was futile...

But my *favorite* booth and find was this guy who makes 3D stained glass bugs!!! They were amazing! Ranging in size from about 3 inches across to about 2 feet long. There were weevils (like the palm-sized one I bought), stag-horned beetles, dragonflies, and miscellaneous other magical insects. Even the houseflies were gorgeous! I absolutely loved these! The artist is from Vancouver I believe, and the studio that carries his art there is working on a website. I'll post a link when it's up and working. I may need to buy my weevil some friends!
Lovely goodies. They make such a lovely group in the top picture, I think your weavel might need a friend
I think you did good. I too love the bracelet.
You did really well with your shopping, such beautiful things. My three favourites, the wonderful earrings made from real leaves, you can be a real green lady, the beautiful china bracelet and the sensational glass bugs, some of the large ones would look fantastic lurking in the garden. Nothing like a spending spree for gorgeous things once in a while, especially whilst waiting for Spring to return.
I've missed your blog for a week and came back to find MASSES of hearts - wonderful glass ones as well as smoochy soap ones, and great pics from the garden show and now the purchases too! Definitely think you needed that break, you seem to have had loads of fun and inspiration. (Glad you approved of my knitted jacket - I was terribly proud of myself!)
I really love art and jewels based on bugs for some reason! This weevil hits all the right buttons for me.
The jewelry is even more beautiful in person. I'm glad he had the chutzpah to fasten one on you. :)
What fabulous treasures! Loved all the pics from the show. I really miss that intensely creative buzz on the West Coast. We just haven't found that here in the UK yet but maybe we just don't know where to look! You work so hard...it's good to have some rewards ;-)
Tara what amazing treasures for sure! Where do I begin choosing my favs..the hearts the leaves the bug..oh my how exciting! Great shopping! hugs NG
what great stuff! i went one year and was totally overwhelmed by how much was there! the bracelet thing...i had a guy do that to me in mazatlan a couple years ago. once it is on you, they have a sale! i wear that bracelet every single day still! tricky, tricky!
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