
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Big Cities - Siena

Ornamentation abounded everywhere -

On the cathedral...

Adorning arches (the gargoyles were amazing!)

Over doorways...

And even at your feet! (Inlaid marble floors and walkways...)

(Tiled floor from the library room inside the Cathedral).
Ornament abounding!

(For more photos, see here)


Soozcat said...

So beautiful.

Your pictures remind me of how little most of us get to see of the world--how amazing and varied is the human impulse to create beauty, in all places and under all conditions and with all manner of materials.

Thanks for putting these up.

dinahmow said...

OK...I'm drooling. (shuffles out to kitchen for strong coffee to allay pangs of envy...)
Lovely pics;they bring many memories.