If you live in the northern hemisphere, did you see the Hunter's Moon last night? It was sailing overhead in the crisp, black, night air, as I headed to our monthly critique meeting, casting surprisingly stark shadows. There is something mystically magical about viewing the full moon every month. Maybe because it is so ephemeral.

In other news, I am still up to my eyeballs in deadlines (in the case of the photo - my husband's eyeballs. I wanted to try out the super-macro option on my camera. Wasn't impressed. This is normal macro. Several steps away. Still not great. I miss my last camera - the one that gave it's macro-loving life in Italy last spring. *sniff*)
Hopefully things will ease up next week....
Toby and I have been racking our brains for a name for his latest jewellery, a visit here and... inspiration! It's called 'The Orb Collection'
Yes, a beautiful, big moon.And for the past two nights here, particularly "watchable" as the wind sent streamers of cloud across its face and played shadow puppets with the trees.And, of course, the moon drew the tide high up into the mangroves.(Come over tomorrow;I'll have pics)
deadlines...love em...hate em...i am ever in this love/hate relationship...i just finish one when another looms...oh to be free to do exactly what i want without having to earn a living...i love my little olympus camera...i got a super macro close-up of dragonfly wings last week...i am over my eyeballs this week...blessings, rebecca
*ehem* sorry.
May the perfect camera find its way to you!!! Holding the space for you as you work to meet your deadlines. Seeing your work done with fun, flow and excellence.
Beautiful moooooooon!
deadlines..yes hate them, get rid of one and another arrives...thanks for the fairy leaves Tara...xx
It came up like a bonfire last night. Just gorgeous! Every year it takes me by surprise. My favorite moon!
How I love Hunter's moon! In our old home in came up through the tall trees of the woods behind the house. This time I missed it, fog!
Happy Halloween! :-))
Yes I did see the Hunter's Moon
And I like knowing we were looking up at the same one !
kinda puts some perspective on this small planet doesn't it ?
Ohhh, isn't breaking in a new camera the pitts ! ?
Sorry to hear about the other's demise !
Well, Helllloooo, I SEE YOU to your Hubby.
Happy Halloweeen Cinderella - I completely agree! I think I was Casper the next year and yuck ! I do remember the musties behind the plastic mask !
xxo- S.
And I had forgotten all about being Caspar ! so thank you for jogging (goooogling !) that for me !
((((((((HAPPY HALLOWEEN)))))
I just flew in on a witches broom!
I am having a blast visiting all the
(((GOULS))) in Bloglandia!
witches hugs and bats Anna xo
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