Sorry that I've been laying low on blogger-land, but I had a whole book's worth of sketches due this week and my husband kindly shared his annual head-cold/flu with me, so I've have limited time and energy to do much past the bare minumum... Sketches are off, thankfully, and since I actually had a day with no pending deadline while I await approvals, my son dragged my sniffly self off to run a few errands.

A new thing for us, having lived in the Pacific Northwest for nearly a decade - snow on the first of December! It started right after lunch with huge, wet, fluffy-feather flakes-

-that immediately began sticking on everything (luckily the roads stayed wet rather than snowy, or I would not have been at all happy to leave the house).

It was a grey twilight all afternoon, with heavy clouds dropping heavy, heavy flakes.

It was dark by the time I got home - and by now the roads were starting to slush and every surface had layer of snow on it.

It's now mid-evening and the snow continues to fall (they are predicting up until midnight at least, with various exciting storm variations over the next few days). We have 3 inches on our deck. I may have to take another picture before I go to bed.... which I hope is soon... I'm done tuckered out (the reports of my art adventures - Studios visited. Hanging art seen. Blogger artists met in person - will have to wait until another day.).... but I will stay up until my son returns from the wedding reception he is attending. After all, the roads are snowy now. On the first of December.
My parents told me it was snowing in Olympia. It's fun to see some pictures as they are not in the digital camera generation.
Hello Tara,
I found your blog through Britt-Arnhild's in Norway and love your pictures of snow.
We have not had any snow yet over here in Germany, although it has been announced.
Meanwhile, there is rime ice every morning.
Have a happy holiday season,
Lovely pictures. The snows haven't hit here yet in any significant way. We jut out into the Atlantic and have sort of funny weather. I ordered some of your books and can't wait. They look like the exact type of thing I'd love to do some day. I've been getting reviews from my first book and don't know what to make of them. I'd love to have your thoughts on reviews.
No snow here yet either...but then we don't usually get much and then if we're going to get, it'll come in Jan/Feb. Thanks for sharing yours. I love snow...well the concept of snow anyway!
My daughter said they had snow for a minute. She's out that way too. We have snow but we also have bitter cold. The cold is suppose to be leaving though. Sorry to hear your husband shares well when it comes to colds.
A winter wonderland it seems! Our snow continued all day and the earth is so quiet...silent night! shhh NG
The snow white garden looks magical!
Golly! Well I am so glad that I am here in the warm and well rather than over there in the snow with a head cold.
I consider myself even more lucky than I did 2 minutes ago!
oh my and i am sad that the banana leaves are beginning to made me cold...stay warm and feel better soon...blessings, rebecca
Yes there was snow on the first! Now today it is becoming slush with all this wind and rain.
Vancouver BC still had snow this evening...big fluffy stuff. It's probably raining up there by now.
No snow for us. Just rain. Luckily no ice yet either. I will look forward to hearing about your meeting with bloggers and all the work at the studio.
I am a true Nordic girl. This looks lovely :-)
Hi Tara. No snow is forecast here in the UK but some sun-spot expert recons we are in for some ferocious storms this month.
wasn't the snow pretty while it lasted? i hope none of that flooding hit you. did you see the big intersection in woodinville got flooded? it was kind of amazing...they had a 'waterfall' on the corner!
Makes me feel Christmassy already.
Quite a contrast to Marrakech where the sun always shines out doors and it's freezing downstairs
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