
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cat humor..

Awhile back, Andrea posted about lolcats (a phenomenon that I was only peripherally aware of). This lead me to I Can Haz Cheezburger? - the home of many many, daily posted lolcat photos. I discovered this site on a *very* long day when I was exhausted and punchy: punchy to the point that I got a case of hysterical-tears-streaming-down-my-face-giggles. We've always had cats, so I am well aware of the quirks of the cat personality and for some reason that day these struck my funny bone so hard that I couldn't quit laughing. It rather freaked my daughter out - who's apparently never seen me punch-drunk-with-silly -and she forbade me to read any more of them until I had gotten more sleep!

I am trying to get more sleep now. I promise. I also visit ICanHazCheezburger every day now for a dose of (much smaller) kitteh-inspired giggles. YMMV.


Elizabeth said...

Cats never cease to amaze and amuse me!
Maybe I'll do a blog on the cat soap opera on our roof in Marrakech.
I love your pictures of cats.
All best

andrea said...

My 13 year old son, lover of cats, quirkiness and humour, has been addicted to lolcats for ages and the first time I visited the site I had exactly the same reaction as you. It's totally addicting and a completely welcome change of pace!

Unknown said...

Oh boy, I'm at school, teaching and snickering in the most evil way. I'm sure it looks terrible. I immediately sent this off to my wife.

Elizabeth said...

I went to the web sites you suggested and loved all the cat pictures.......
have posted some Marrakshi cats on mine today.
Have a relaxing weekend!

dinahmow said...

Yep! Sometimes, we get the gigles, too.Of course, sometimes I'm too busy chasing the kittens to spend much time with "Cheeseburger!"

Anonymous said...

I loved the site! I couldn't get all the way through it though. I almost fell off my chair and my sides need to recover!!

Anonymous said...

I have an ongoing love affair with lolcats. There are longstanding joke 'threads' that run through the pictures that make it funnier as time goes on. 'Ceiling cat' is one of my favorites.
Ceiling cat is also translating the Bible. No more difficult to read than Old English, but just a bit funnier!

Gina said...

What a mug on that kitty! I'm shaking in my boots!