
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happy May Day!

I hope you had a lovely May 1st. It was beautiful here - sun and flowers about. Although it's still awfully cool - I could have used a Beltane fire when the sun went down!

I am slowly easing back into 'real life' after endless months of studio-bondage. I've left the house every day this week! It's probably been two years since that's happened. There's been catch-up appointments, grocery shopping! visits to the nursery for herbs and starts, Home Depot for paint and supplies, the feedstore for baby chicks!(but that is a whole other post...)

There is SO much to do and catch up on. All of it seems to take way more time than it should - I have *days* of cleaning the studio ahead of me (and I promised myself that I would not start anything new until it was thoroughly dealt with)! Not to mention the rest of the house, the yard, the gardens, the various unfinished projects that have been put off for months and months...

I'm looking forward to it all! But I really must get on top of my life a bit before pulling out the sketch book in seriousness again...


Soozcat said...

Ah, bleeding hearts... when I was a child I thought they were the most tragically beautiful flowers in the world. Still fond of them. And they are lovely paired with grape hyacinths.

Good to see you out and about today! You deserve to live your life.

Unknown said...

All I can say is, "Yea!" Happy baby chicks and plant starts! Congratulations on your well earned break.

I'm heading into a bit of a break myself- my internship ends next week, I've wrapped up another catalog and designed a that teddy bear family. I am looking forward to *painting*!

Unknown said...

Happy May!! It must feel nice to have a big project all done.

dinahmow said...

Woahhhh! Tara's checking out baby chicks????? You're going to have chooks? Oh, now I really WILL have to ramp-up the chookenarium project!
Seriously, it's great that you are out and about.
Hope the husband/daughter medical dramas are also resolved, yes?
Enjoy your fresh air, kiddo!