Today is the official book release date for the first four Wind Dancer books. I received a large box this afternoon with a number of lovely copies of each book.
And I am happy to report that the final printing color is *much* closer to the original paintings than the versions that are up on the Macmillan website that I posted about a few days ago. (You can see some of the 'sparkly' cover aspects reflected here). They are beautifully printed and put together. And aimed at 7 year old girls.
This Sunday I will be on hand at Parkplace Books in Kirkland for a booksigning event featuring a number of local artists and authors. I think they plan to have the Wind Dancers as well as the Fairy Chronicles on hand for me to sign. Speaking of the Fairy Chronicles, also recently arrived are my copies of the latest in the series.
I only did the cover for this one. Not my favorite... I'm having a heck of a time with my greens. I'm rather enamoured of yellowy, earthy greens at the moment - but they seem to be the most difficult to scan and reproduce true. (Even my new, nifty, fairly expensive scanner has a heck of a time with them if they are not thoroughly saturated). Anyone else have that problem?
At any rate, the studio is overflowing with book copies!
These are lovely!
Fantastic !!! Why do I keep thinking of chocolate????
Love the sparklies. If I were seven I would be even more enchanted. Beautiful work.
Congratulations on such a lovely set of books!
Have fun at the Book Fair.
I will think of you while I am at the Earth Sanctuary House this weekend, taking a solitary creative retreat to work on my tarot card project.
How cute.
Are they available on amazon?
Congrats. Nicely done.
HUGE Congratulations!
I LOVE when samples arrive~
These look fantastic!
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