Besides the medievally garbed, the pirates and the belly dancers, there always seems to be the inevitable contingent of winged-folk... (Most of which I had to photograph from behind - to get the best views of the winged-ness):

This elaborately appareled blue-fairy spent the bulk of the day making a trilling purring sound while handing people invisible fairy treasure and hoping for tips in return...??

OK - we now need the collective term for fairies - a swarm? flock? flight? glittering? dusting? - whatever it is, this was my favorite group of them - gingerly picking their barefoot way across the parking lot...

And these two little darlings - with matching dress, wings and hoodies! :-)

New to me this year were the morning-glory hats that many a little fairy was adorned with.

Of course there were the cortege of the darker, more goth variety...

...or the redder....more...redder? variety....

And yes, these would look totally smokin' on my dog!
I'd love to see Jack the fairy dog.
I have to admit, the trilling blue fairy had me a little freaked out after the third or fourth pass by. I think earlier in the day she was handing out little handfuls of Nerds to passersby.
I love that goth faerie :D her outfit is great
I would have loved to see my Arianna in that lovely sprinkling of fairies! Great shots and I love the fantasy...
That Dogfairy sure looks feteching! :-)))
I am baaack - finally got a decent laptop that does not take half the day to load a blog page! ;-)
Looks like so much fun dressing up in those costumes :)
I must pay a visit to the fairy fair in Cornwall one year.
Tara, i am rather envious!! what a wonderful lot of photos these last few posts have held! sighs, some folks about these parts think i am a little odd, for on my to do list before i become too ancient (and have to go as a hag lol) is to visit a faerie fair! one day..... the tiniest faeries are always the cutest, and i looove the morning glory hats.
I asked Hubby what he would call a flock of fairies and he said, "A flight of fairies" there's the male opinion in snyc with one of your suggestions!
Love the morning glory hats, too!
(Oh, why weren't there morning glory hats around when I was little?? Not fair.)
If i had a dog i'd put pink wing's on mine :)
do not EVER put wings on Jack! He will never forgive you.
love from Ash
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