The most thrilling part of the Renaissance Fair for me was watching the
Cavallo Equestrian Arts perform their Ma'Ceo act.

It's described as their gypsy themed equestrian performance -

-that includes daredevil cossack riding-

-truly unbelievable acrobatics -

-and horseback juggling (balls, pins, and great big curved blades. That was scary.)

This Florida based equestrian group come from a circus background -

-descending from 6 generations of bareback circus acrobats....

Some of the moves looked truly dangerous! There were a few falls, and missed landings - limping gypsies - but many thrilling, gasp-worthy stunts were successfully performed to wild cheers and applause.

It was enough to make me want to run away and join the circus...
Horses, handsome gypsy gents, clever riding - what's not to love? My favourite part of the fair. Thanks, Tara.
I'd like to have a go at with my ponies.
I love seeing equestrian performances like that. I am always amazed at the skill and time its must take to teach the horses and the people doing the tricks.
Amazing! ... I love horses!
I think the history of this family over these six generations must be a fascinating one.
In another life I used to write profiles of entrepreneurs, but I think the story of this family business might top them all.
Great photos!
Wowzer. I wonder if they drive their cars the same way...Thanks for bringing us all to the faire.
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